08 November 2024
Be the Change: Finding Individual Solutions for Climate Change
To be or not to be is the eternal question.
Sadly, in the context of impending climate change occurring across the globe, we do not have the luxury of a Shakespearian choice. The only choice is to be the change you want to see. Although we have been hearing a lot of voices from world leaders, the action seems to be too little too late. As I write this editorial, leaders from across the world are meeting in Poland to see what can be done further to alter the climate's behaviour.
Do climates behave, are they humans? The answer may be a NO with a definite 'but' attached. The climate acts the way it does because of many factors. It mostly behaves in a known and predictable manner, thus we have the winters followed by summers, which are then followed by the monsoons. Sometimes the moods vary and the weather can play truant. That is the norm. But as the human population increases, their needs are to be met and the fragile Earth seems to be struggling. The Earth has enough to meet our needs, though it is painfully true that it does not have enough to meet our incessant greed as so aptly put by the Father of our Nation Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.
The weather patterns are changing slowly but surely. Europe as a continent is already seeing this; islands are submerging below the sea, an increasing number of uncontrolled forest fires releasing more CO2 in the atmosphere, and increasing trends in industrialisation are just some of the reasons. Added with rapid extinction of species and a loss of forest cover, increased acres going under the desert, the loss of mangroves and coral reefs, pollution in the physical space of all kinds is making the survival of humankind itself difficult.
The beauty is if we left our rivers seas, air and forests alone they would regain their original purity and beauty, but the human race is in a hurry to go towards self-annihilation. So what am I to do?
The eternal arguments continue. I am not responsible; it's the industrialists, the politicians, the developed countries, the government, my neighbours…. Not Me. If the state of planet Earth is bad, it is our collective responsibility to make the planet more secure. After all, it is our trust and as trustees we all have to work to perpetuate this beautiful planet; though it is a selfish desire.
We need to make a small shift in how are we using the resources given to us. I have shared here a small set of pointers. Let's begin small, then we may make a transformational shift. Let's learn and understand about our planet. Let's read more about it. Let's visit some sites that are interesting, unique and beautiful once every month. Let's list out things that we do every single day and see how if at all impacts our resource use- like our use of water whilst brushing our teeth in the morning, perhaps using a bucketful of water instead of bathing in the shower or ensuring that we use a refillable water bottle and ensuring that we drink every drop of water.
Can we use our feet to reach destinations, thereby avoiding the use of vehicles of any kind? That way, we exercise, save money and save fuel and don't add to pollution. Can we use mass transport and cycles whenever possible or pool vehicles? Sharing is both caring for your friends and the planet. Can we help green our homes and office, can we consume less electricity, can we ensure our taps are closed before we leave home? Can we reduce the creation of garbage? Can we separate garbage before disposing, can we avoid the use of thermocol and thermocol products. Should we not reduce, reuse and recycle where we can? Is there need to buy a new pair of clothes every fortnight, is it possible to wear the same clothes for a longer time, maybe for a couple of years and make it a fashion statement? (Just ensure they are fresh every time you wear them). Can we volunteer our time to create more awareness or plant trees or water plants with Trailblazers Foundation or WWF -India or BNHS or the Friends of Trees etc?
The moral and message of this article is simple. Be the change you want to see. Easy, isn’t it?